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Friday 7 May 2010


Here we discuss our main ideas of what we decided to consider on, So we hope it's necessary to the point of our movie.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Continuity 2

Here we present our second continuity piece. And we had decided to make it a bit more complex and social towards a normal teenage life ( what typical teenages do in general). We varied each shots and made them practical for each shot.
The idea of this piece was quite basic, apart from that we just thought it can be relative towards our main piece. We hope you enjoy it.

Continuity 1

Saturday 1 May 2010

Camparison of our movie between Fame

As we had to change our idea, we now are doing a audition concept where this young teenager wants to pursue a career in singing. And she feels that she will pursue her future plans no matter what stops her. The movie 'Fame' which is a good comparison between our film 'Dreams' shows that anyone who wishes to get far actually can as long as you show your good at something. The next posts our posters, continuity pieces, discussions of our movie and lastly trailer should be up soon and you can have a sneak peek of those.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Getting grips with the video camera

Today we recieved the video cameras we will be using to create our film.

We began the lesson with a tutorial of the video cameras in which we learnt the basic, how to switch between to modes, how to white balance,taking snapshots whilst filming etc we were also taught various things such as shot sizes, camera lens and movement and shot angles, we also learned that we would need a variety of shots, angles and movements,to name a few-pan,crab,track,zoom,ped and tilt.

When we first recieved the camera we were a bit skeptical at first but gradually got familiar with the video camera.

We played around on the video cameras and composed short scenes on the camera which consisted of potential shots we may use- a tracking shot of Bobbie, a crab right (movement straight across), zoom in/out to focus on a certain object and show the depth of it, a ped (dropping slowly in a straight line) and a extreme close-up.

Despite 2 members of our group being absent again, we still managed to work efficiently on our own.

Also Here is a picture of the angles of what we have to use whilst filming the movie :

Ash,Bobbie and Juned

Wednesday 24 February 2010


Welcome to our Jab's entertainment blog, we are in the process of creating a film for Media Studies AS.

Our group consist of 4 people;
Ashley Cambridge
Bobbie Briscoe
Alberto Vega
Sue-ann Anderson

Ashley, Bobbie and Alberto